June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was launched in 2006 on June 15th by the World Health Organization. Elder abuse is one of the most overlooked public health problems in the United States. Victims of abuse are three times more likely than those who weren’t mistreated to die prematurely. Learn how to identify those at risk and…

Aging Life Care Moment with Victor Alcala, MSW, MSG, CMC

Aging Life Care Moment with Victor Alcala, MSW, MSG, CMC

Beginning to showcase diversity in gender, ALCA member Victor Alcala of Alcala Care Management Services talks about his first caregiving experiences that led him to a career in care management. Being brought into the fold of ALCA from another member, Victor also talks about ways the association can diversify membership and the industry. Victor has…

What are the signs of caregiver burnout?

What are the signs of caregiver burnout?

ALCA Members feel strongly about helping family caregivers avoid burnout. With June as Men’s Health Awareness Month we are featuring some of ALCA’s male members who have built a career out of Aging Life Care Management and on male caregivers, who often do not ask for help. ALCA Board Member, Co-Chair of the President’s Committee,…

Focusing on Healthy Aging for Men During Men’s Health Month

Focusing on Healthy Aging for Men During Men’s Health Month

The number of male caregivers is on the rise along with the average age of caregivers and the amount of stress impacting men’s health. According to a 2020 report “Caregiving in the U.S” by the National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP, 39% of family caregivers are male and 34% are Baby Boomers. Twenty-three percent of…

ALCA Members Embodies Older American’s Month Motto

ALCA Members Embodies Older American’s Month Motto

This May the Aging Life Care Association celebrated its 10th annual Aging Life Care Month, while acknowledging the Administration on Community Living’s Older Americans Month celebration. Aging Life Care Professionals have always been a part of the continuum of care for older adults—and part of the “Community of Strength” for aging loved ones and their…