Crisis Management and Beyond: Social Workers in Aging Life Care

Crisis Management and Beyond: Social Workers in Aging Life Care

by: Susan Valoff This blog post was originally scheduled for March, designated annually as “Social Work Month.” March is also when life, as we know it in the United States, started to change, dramatically. In these days when everything feels upended, there is no better time to recognize the tremendous value that social workers bring…

Ambiguity and Acceptance in the Time of COVID-19

Ambiguity and Acceptance in the Time of COVID-19

On March 25th, 2020, I had the honor of meeting with some of the top women business leaders in the Seattle area. These ladies are some of the hardest working women I know. They are smart, creative and committed to not only making their businesses succeed, but they also want to make the world a…

Should I move mom back home?

Should I move mom back home?

By: Lisa Mayfield As more residents in retirement communities are diagnosed with COVID-19, some families are struggling with the decision of whether to bring their parents back home. With all the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, this is an understandable and important question. Yet any consideration of a move should not be taken lightly, especially with so…

Engagement During Isolation

Engagement During Isolation

by Lisa Kaufman Even if I have been a member of the Aging Life Care Association for nearly 20 years, I have always thought of myself as the “red-headed stepchild”  (yes, go ahead and laugh if you know me…) of ALCA. And now I see an opportunity for my “particular set of skills” to be…

Tips to Managing Anxiety in Challenging Times

Tips to Managing Anxiety in Challenging Times

By:  Linda Fodrini-Johnson, MA, MFT, CMC, Walnut Creek, CA The current worldwide pandemic is causing sleepless nights, hand wringing and some strange behaviors having to do with fear that can sometimes bring out the worst in us.  However, we are also seeing some incredible acts of kindness and selflessness in neighbors helping neighbors.  As, well…

Love In the Time of COVID-19

Love In the Time of COVID-19

by Lisa Kaufman I received a call this morning. A man who has never spoken with me before wanted my opinion about the care needs of his 80-year-old mother. He explained that she has moderate to severe (read severe) dementia, visual impairment, is hard of hearing and is in renal failure requiring dialysis. He went…

Caring for Someone with Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Caring for Someone with Coronavirus (COVID-19)

By: Tasha Beauchamp What we know as of 3/1/20 COVID-19 is spread much like the regular flu—through coughs and sneezes that put droplets in the air and on surfaces. It may be 2–14 days after exposure before a person has symptoms. That means people can spread the virus without knowing it. And many have symptoms…

The Power of Planning: Taking Charge of Your Own Aging Journey

The Power of Planning: Taking Charge of Your Own Aging Journey

by: Lisa Mayfield At 72, Betsy is doing all the right things to ensure she enjoys good physical, emotional, mental, and financial health.  She eats a Mediterranean diet, doesn’t smoke, drinks in moderation, exercises regularly, has adjusted her spending and investments for retirement, goes for regular check-ups with her doctor, and gets the recommended health…