Using Live-In Care To Lower The Risk of COVID Exposure

Using Live-In Care To Lower The Risk of COVID Exposure

//// By: David Petroski //// Did you hear the news that “…80% of [COVID-19] infections are mild or asymptomatic.” No, that quote is not from a dubious Facebook ad, or a cable news show personality, it’s from the World Health Organization’s Q&A page on the difference between COVID-19 and influenza. If that is true, how…

A Different Kind of Mother’s Day

A Different Kind of Mother’s Day

//// By: Tanya Schwartz, LCSWR //// “Please tell the caregivers that we won’t need them this Mother’s Day weekend” “What do you think my mother will find useful and enjoyable as a Mother’s Day present? “Could we speak about my parents’ well-being in person while I am visiting them this weekend?” These are all questions…

Looking out for the emotionally vulnerable in the COVID world

Looking out for the emotionally vulnerable in the COVID world

By:  Bunni Dybnis, MA, LMFT, CMC Our lives have changed dramatically as COVID-19 becomes the focus of most everything. The news, warnings, restrictions, instructions, double messages, shortages, politics, and financial implications are never-ending. For most, the initial chaos, fears, panic, and confusion settle in as we adapt to our new world.  For a small number,…

The Art of Listening: Achieving Successful Communication

The Art of Listening: Achieving Successful Communication

By: Miriam Zucker, LMSW, ACSW, C-ASWC As Aging Life Care Specialists(r), we are called upon to provide an assortment of services. The needs are as varied as the families we are helping.  We continuously strive to be experts in our knowledge of homecare, entitlements, senior residences, elder law attorneys, and providing skilled and supportive counseling.…

Addressing the Mental Health Concerns of Seniors in the Corona-virus World

Addressing the Mental Health Concerns of Seniors in the Corona-virus World

by: Bunni Dybnis, MA, LMFT, CMC COVID-19 has dramatically changed our world. The news, warnings, restrictions, instructions, double messages, shortages, politics, financial implications are never-ending.  Most are resilient.  After the initial chaos, fears, panic, and confusion, the emotional upheaval will settle down.  Most will adapt to the changing world as we have adjusted to life’s…

Could COVID-19 have contributed to my mother’s death

Could COVID-19 have contributed to my mother’s death

by: Charlene Neu Could COVID-19 have contributed to my Mom’s death on March 2? We will never know, though she was considered to be in the most vulnerable group and had been diagnosed with Pneumonia mid-February. What I do know is that as heartbreaking it was to lose her then, it would be devastating to…

Crisis Management and Beyond: Social Workers in Aging Life Care

Crisis Management and Beyond: Social Workers in Aging Life Care

by: Susan Valoff This blog post was originally scheduled for March, designated annually as “Social Work Month.” March is also when life, as we know it in the United States, started to change, dramatically. In these days when everything feels upended, there is no better time to recognize the tremendous value that social workers bring…