Financially Helping Clients Fund Their Care Needs: Real Life Examples

Financially Helping Clients Fund Their Care Needs: Real Life Examples

Aging Life Care Professionals® are called upon to assist clients with resources to handle their particular situations, including evaluating the financial resources necessary to help clients ensure quality care and an optimal life. Did you know that 500,000 seniors walk away from their life insurance policies each year?  This happens because they no longer want…

Sibling Relationships and Older Parents

Sibling Relationships and Older Parents

As adult children age many unresolved conflicts are swept under the carpet and avoided.  Often with parents as buffers, and contact limited, relationships remain stable. All this can change when adult children must share the task of caring for an aging parent. When the focus becomes their own unresolved conflicts, this can interfere with the…

Eldercare as Art and Ministry – combining life’s passions

Eldercare as Art and Ministry – combining life’s passions

Aging Life Care Association® members are distinguished for their high qualifications, adherence to standards of practice, and a drive to care for older adults. And it is this distinction as an Aging Life Care Manager® that separates them from people who are geriatric care managers. And one such notable member is Irene V. Jackson-Brown, Ph.D.,…

Alzheimer’s and the Family Caregiver

Alzheimer’s and the Family Caregiver

November is National Family Caregivers Month and National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. These observances help raise awareness about the challenges of caregiving for families, especially Alzheimer’s caregiving, as well as increase support for and educate caregivers and their communities. The current COVID-19 pandemic has also presented new realities and stresses. According to the Centers for…

The Latest Discoveries in Alzheimer’s and Dementia Research

The Latest Discoveries in Alzheimer’s and Dementia Research

Statistics on Alzheimer’s Disease for 2020 In the U.S., more than 5.8 million people age 65+ are living with Alzheimer’s disease and over 16 million provide unpaid care for people living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Aging Life Care Professionals regularly work with clients living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, and, as part of their…

Tips to Staying Healthy While Managing Incontinence During COVID

Tips to Staying Healthy While Managing Incontinence During COVID

Americans have adapted new ways of doing things as a result of coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Coughs and fevers have become more serious and result in closer-than-usual attention. There are more and more signs everywhere we go about the importance of handwashing. And, many physicians and health care professionals have turned to telehealth to interact with…

COVID-19 Meets Flu Season

COVID-19 Meets Flu Season

After months of social distancing, hyper hand washing, and vigilant mask-wearing, are you ready for flu season? It’s coming, and it’s important to understand how the flu is similar—and different—from COVID-19, and what you can do to protect yourself and others. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), influenza (flu) and COVID-19…

An Ounce of Prevention, Two Ounces of Caution

An Ounce of Prevention, Two Ounces of Caution

Too many Americans have experienced less than ideal healthcare in recent months as they work through an overwhelmed system. The elderly need to be especially vigilant and prepared as states reopen and seniors begin seeing their doctors again. The system’s deficits have proven particularly dangerous for elderly persons of color. The COVID-19 pandemic has both…

Aging Life Care Managers – Experts in Aging and Organizing

Aging Life Care Managers – Experts in Aging and Organizing

Older adult children working from home have been contacting Aging Life Care Managers such as those at Careplan Geriatric Care Managers in Cleveland, Ohio to get organized.  Children are taking advantage of the extra time to get their elderly parents health and personal matters organized in the event of an unfortunate event. Aging Life Care…