Unlock Expert Insights: Free ‘Ask an Aging Life Care Manager®’ Virtual Sessions in May

Free “Ask an Aging Life Care Manager” virtual sessions to be held most Fridays in May to celebrate National Aging Life Care™ Month and Older Americans Month. Participants can ask professional Aging Life Care Managers® their questions about aging and care planning. Registration is necessary and is on a first come, first served basis at aginglifecare.org.

Care ManagerIn response to the increasing complexities of the aging journey and the rising trend of “solo agers,” the Aging Life Care Association® (ALCA) is offering a new initiative to provide vital support for family caregivers and individuals navigating the challenges of aging. To celebrate May as National Aging Life Care™ Month, ALCA will host free, virtual small group sessions, allowing participants to engage with experts, ask questions, and gain insights into aging and care planning.

“It’s often an emergency or health diagnosis that pushes families to talk about care planning. Without a clear understanding of their loved ones’ needs or effective advocacy strategies, they can quickly become overwhelmed.”