Caregivers Guide to Oral Care for Dentures

Caregivers Guide to Oral Care for Dentures

Dr. Alisa Kauffman, a dentist specializing in geriatric care, shares her expertise to help caregivers become more confident in providing daily oral care to seniors — whether by brushing, flossing and using picks, or removing and cleaning full or partial dentures. Below is the second in a two-part series of a caregivers guide to oral…

Caregivers Guide to Oral Care

Caregivers Guide to Oral Care

Dr. Alisa Kaufman, a dentist specializing in geriatric care, shares her expertise to help caregivers become more confident in providing daily oral care to seniors — whether by brushing, flossing and using picks, or removing and cleaning full or partial dentures. Below is first in a two-part series of a caregivers guide to oral care.…

Dementia and the Holidays: Tips for a Comfortable Celebration

Dementia and the Holidays: Tips for a Comfortable Celebration

The holidays can often be filled with high expectations, requiring lots of energy and engagement in non-stop activities. For the individuals living with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia and their families, holidays can be challenging and a time of high anxiety. Festivities can agitate, confuse, and overstimulate persons living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.…

Helping Your Aging Loved One Manage Their Finances

Helping Your Aging Loved One Manage Their Finances

As our senior loved ones age, we may start seeing physical and mental signs of decline. While some signs are not worrisome, others may be more concerning: anxiety, depression, forgetfulness, and mishandling money. These could indicate more serious issues and are risky behaviors. So here are four things you can do to help your aging…

Warning Signs of Suicide Among Older Adults

Warning Signs of Suicide Among Older Adults

According to the National Council on Aging (NCOA), suicidal behavior is common in older adults for a number of reasons with loneliness topping the list. Many seniors are homebound and live on their own; are grieving the loss of a spouse or friend; lack nearby family; or have lost vital social connections during the Pandemic.…

The Basics of Medical Alert Systems

The Basics of Medical Alert Systems

Thinking about using a Medical Alert System / Personal Emergency Response System? ALCA Corporate Partner David Michaels shares the basics of Medical Alert Systems to help determine the best system for you or your aging loved one. What You Need to Know Before Choosing a Medical Alert System by David Michaels, Aging Life Care Association®…

Beat the Heat: 7 Safety Tips for Aging Adults

Beat the Heat: 7 Safety Tips for Aging Adults

It’s been a challenging year, with social isolation, a worldwide pandemic, and having to be confined indoors.  Now that it’s Summer, and most of the outdoor restrictions have been lifted, it is exciting to finally be able to venture outdoors and enjoy the beautiful weather, the blossoming flowers, and the abundant sunshine! However, there are…

Gray is a Color of the Rainbow

Gray is a Color of the Rainbow

This Pride Month, Aging Life Care Professionals across the country join in celebrating and honoring LGBTQ+ elders. Included in this celebration is understanding the unique needs of LGBTQ+ elders and creating care plans that support and enhance their individual lifestyles. According to SAGE, LGBTQ+ elders are: Twice as likely to be single and live alone…